Frontline Team Training
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Indigenous Family Systems
Knowledge Sharing of Inherent Family Practices
This three-day training focuses on providing participants with knowledge, skills, and understandings as it relates to empowering and supporting Indigenous Family Systems. This includes traditional ways of being and knowing, clan systems, and supporting Indigenous families within a contemporary world.

Humanizing Transactions- Providers & Helpers
Knowledge Sharing Safety & Best Practices
This two-day training focuses on providing participants with the tools necessary to feel confident to support an individual of trafficking from crisis to aftercare. Through education, awareness, and prevention, participants will learn the early stages of trafficking (grooming/luring), identification (recruitment), and support needs (humanizing the experience).

Humanizing Transactions- Community Members
Knowledge Sharing Safety & healing
This one-day training is designed for community members, families, and natural helpers. Participants in this training will gain knowledge and understanding surrounding human trafficking, exploitation (including wholistic safety), risk factors, prevention, warning signs (identifying), and support.

Lateral Kindness
A strengths-based opportunity
This transformative two-day workshop focuses on how the impacts of historical and intergenerational trauma affects the workplace. With this training, participants will explore how to heal relationships with self, families, communities, and workplaces. This training is strengths-based, trauma informed, and deepens the need for love & respect within our work family.

Crisis- Prevention & Intervention
Preparing & Navigating Crisis
This three-day workshop focuses on providing wholistic support to Indigenous communities, families and individuals. Through traditional and contemporary ways of being and knowing, participants will gain strengths-based and trauma-informed ways of preventing and intervening during crisis.

Resilient Families (Domestic Violence)
Building your bundle to support those experiencing DV.
Through a strengths-based approach, this two-day training provide participants with a bundle of knowledge, skills, and understanding of what domestic violence is, power and control, and how to best support those who may be experiencing it (resiliency). This training pairs well with Humanizing Transactions.

Addictions & Substance Misuse
A learning opportunity on the current drug trends
This two-day workshop provides knowledge and understanding surrounding current substance trends, drugs of choice, changes in current substance misuse patterns, enhanced drug education, as well as harm reduction best practices.

Emotional Intelligence
Learning to recognize our emotional selves.
This two-day training focuses on increasing our capacity to recognize and regulate our emotional self. Through two-eyed seeing and trauma-informed knowledge sharing, participants will learn the difference between responding and reacting to situations in our day to day lives. Participants will also participate in group-based knowledge sharing!

Cultural Humility
Building your cultural bundle
This two-day training focuses on building relationship, concepts, language, and practices of cultural humility. Through this training, participants will gain a knowledge bundle on operational principles such as policies, organizational practices, and in our daily lives (community dialogue).